Tuesday, November 17, 2009


So as many of you know photography is a hobby of mine. I love taking pictures and then editing them. It is especially fun for me when the subjects are my kids. Here are some pictures that I recently took while at a local park.

Jessica is always so photogenic and loves to come up with poses as we do our photo shoots. She is always finding fun places and then says "mom take a picture", the one of her standing is one those poses that she did all on her own.

John often does not like to do a photo session as he finds them "boring" and is getting "too old"!! But he was very fun during this photo shoot and most of the pictures turned out great. He is growing up way too fast though and no longer looks like a child, he is turning into a very handsome young man.

Last, but not least, is my beautiful Abbi. She loves to take pictures and is very cooperative, but on this morning it was very chilly, that is why her coat is on. No matter how much I tried to convince her that she would be fine without her coat for a few minutes she would not take it off. Towards the end of the shoot she did finally take it off, but I love these pictures with it on.


Juli said...

I love your pictures! You are a great photographer.

Amy Tree said...

I miss your awesome family!